WhatsApp is a cross-platform smartphone messenger which is available for iPhone, Android, BlackBerry and Nokia phones. Today, WhatsApp Messenger for iPhone went free in the Apple iTunes store. The app lets you send pictures, audio notes and video messages to your friends.
It supports Group chat, push notifications, offline messages, location and contacts sharing, custom wallpaper, custom notification sounds, Landscape mode, Precise message time stamps, Email chat history, Broadcast messages and MMS and lots more.
It certainly is the next generation of messaging service. It not only helps you be in touch with your friends those who are in your own country but also those who live abroad and the normal charges for an International SMS/MMS costs a lot. And, now when the TRAI has announced the 100 sms/day restrictions, this would be a good replacement to go for. All you need is a smartphone and a connection to the internet.
Grab the WhatsApp Messenger for your iPhone from the Apple iTunes store for free.And also for your Android via the Android Market for free.
Here goes for your BlackBerry
And last but not the least, for your Symbian.
Therefore, if you use modes like wamod apk, your account may be blocked, so I recommend using another fad account. In the meantime, when it comes to malware, your device is safe.